Monday, May 4, 2009


This is my sketch.
I used ELLIPS TOOL in order to make the music instrument called KAMANCHE.So, I draw 2 circles in two sizes.I managed to use basic shapes to make this instrument.So just need two recyangles by RECTANGLE TOOL.For the top part of it ,I used PEN TOOL and CONVERT ANCHOR PIONT TOOL(shift+c).First draw a triangle by PEN TOOL and manage to work on its anchores to make the appropriate shape.

To make some shapes exactly the same but in different rotation just go to transform and reflect it.Now,I have the top part of the instrument with the very easy shapes.

To make the wires of the instrument I just used LINE SEGMENT TOOL. In order to make straight lines,you have to press shift and drag the you'll have an straight line.then to make them more,just press'll have az many line az you press F when you are holding Ctrl+C.Then by the use of SELECTION TOOL, make them separate.

Now im going to color it.Here I just played with the GRADIENT TOOL.As you can see in every picture I showed witch colors I selected.

Now by the use of PEN TOOL,im going to make clouds. First we must add anchors and then by CONVERT ANCHOR POINT TOOL make the lines in the shape of the clouds.Here I just put pictures to show how I made the clouds.All we have pay attention to is to make the layers,for each different part i made a new layer to work on them better.

These are some other clouds I made exactly in the same way.

Here Im going to show how I colored them all.just choose the color you loke the most.

After I colored them I drop shadow for some of them to creat a simple depth.Effects->stylize->drop shadow.

Then I used BRUSH TOOL to make some clouds like a background. Brush panel->library->paintbrush.that was the way I used to draw them.

After I controled all shadows I made some sugar candies.Just I used ELLIPS TOOL , SPIRAL TOOL ( to make its centre) and ROUNDED RECTANGLE TOOL.

For the typed part I just used TYPE TOOL.then colorful letters were sth I made.

For the flowers ,first I draw a squre then EFFECTS ,disort n transform, pucker n bloat n ill we show u h i managed the scales.

Then just press Ctrl+C+F+D.and I chose differet colors for each of them to make it pretty.Just I drop shadows and its all done.